Review Details

Psilocybe Atlantis Magic Truffles | 15 grams

Psilocybe Atlantis Magic Truffles | 15 grams

Product Review (submitted on December 25, 2011):
So the service was outstanding, shipping literally only took a day. Very very professional company.

I ordered 75g of the Atlantis truffles and did them Thursday night with some really close friends whom I've tripped with many times. So we pretty much know how we act while tripping, well really depends on what hallucinogen we are I ingesting.

So here's how the night went, we get out of work and head to my buddies house in which he has a projector TV, (awesome). Once we get there we talk a little and get everything set the way we want it, unfortunately we didn't have a trip room or any closets (Germany) but we started eating them around 930-1000. One of my friends wanted to start with only 10g and go from there but we ended up eating 15g right off the bat. We didn't eat for 9 hours before hand besides a pear each we bought at the store, just to have something in our stomachs.

The onset was very short, 25 minutes later as we are trying to figure out which movie to watch, we all were amazing how his PS3 background was awesome while it was moving. After about and hour of that we decided to watch, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. By far the best shroom movie ever, tricking hilarious and sooooooo random. Our concept of time was out the window and the movie felt like 4 hours long. Well after the movie, we wanted a stronger trip so we all took another 10g. So that's 25g each, the taste was ok but my friends didn't like it at all.
We decided to go for a walk down the street, thank god it was closed cause I would have got hit by a car lol. I started to peak on the walk, and started seeing little tornadoes in the distance, it was a cloudy night so, it reminded me of thewisard of oz. Also since I was soooo hungry, I was seeing little flying slices of pizza everywhere, I tried grabbing them a few times. One of my friends asked what I was grabbing for and I said the pizza slices, the of course he asked if he could have one too, he was hungry.

So pretty much all in all it was a fun trip, not to strong like I would prefer. Didnt have to many OEV or CEV, I was trying pretty hard but I think it was the atmosphere too. I would like to hear more peoples thoughts on these particular truffles and their dosage.